Monday, September 3, 2012

Smoothies, Diets, and lbs...Oh my!

I started my diet today. I'm doing a diet I found on Pinterest. It's called the "Eat Your Heart Out!" diet.

Today was day one, so it's been nothing but fruit. It hasn't been too bad. I'm not starving but it's weird not eating normal types of food for lunch or dinner. Oh well. 

I did weigh myself this morning. I wasn't really doing anything "dietetic" this weekend, especially since I went to Olive Garden with my family and my best friend and her husband, but I did make/drink the oatmeal/chia seed smoothies. I had one for breakfast Saturday and one for Dinner Sunday (since I went to Olive Garden for lunch). I didn't really eat much else which is saying a lot since my normal weekend diet consists of grazing on anything and everything all day long. Plus, it was a very productive weekend which is another amazement as my weekend activities usually consist of laying in bed all day and watching t.v. 

Anyways, back to my weight. So my last post stated that I was 255.something. I would also like to say that this was an evening weigh with clothes on. My scale buddies know why that's significant. :-) This morning, right after getting out of bed and emptying my bladder (again, scale buddies know the importance of this), I was at 251.6. I got a little excited until my brain kicked in and remembered that my original weight was an evening weight. But still nice to see the number come down after only changing up my weekend routine a bit. But then I decided to go ahead a weigh again when I got home from work this afternoon and the scale read out 252.2. Now I feel better! Also, this was after only eating fruit for breakfast and lunch today. So not a huge drop but something I can see...3 lbs less on the scale! :-)

I'll be checking in again this weekend because this is the week I get my Elliptigo! Super excited and can't wait to get out on the road.

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