Monday, August 27, 2012

The numbers are in...and it's not pretty. :(

I am about to do what every woman avoids doing her whole life. I am publishing all of my measurements.

That's right. While I usually guard this information with my life, I feel it's the only way to keep me accountable. Now, if I don't improve my numbers, the failure is public and not just my own person shame.

I'm not asking for people to discuss this information during normal conversation or constantly bring them up to me as we pass in the hall. I simply want to illustrate where I am and give reference points as my numbers change (for better or for worse). I'm just stalling. LOL. Ok, here it goes. The follow are my starting numbers...

Weight: 255.2 lbs
Percent body fat: 45.1% (This is from my home scale so I'm not sure how accurate it is but I'm sure it's close enough.)
BMI: 40 - Obese category
Chest: 49.5"
Waist: 45.5"
Hips: 53.5"
Thigh: 30"
Calf: 18.5"
Upper arm: 15.5"
Cholesterol: 210 (optimal <200) It's not too high but heart issues run in my family so I need to watch it.
LDL (bad cholesterol): 152 (optimal <100)
HDL (good cholesterol): 46 (optimal >60)

There it is. It's going to hurt but I am past caring if the world says I'm fat or not. I know what I am. I know who I am. And one has nothing to do with the other.

I am going to be getting my Elliptigo next week and I start my new shift at work (8am to 4:30pm) tomorrow. This week I will be getting organized and will be starting my new life next week. Ok, so "new life" is a little dramatic. I guess I should say the journey to the new me. I like my life, just not the body that's living it. :-)

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